The formal check presentation to the Cancer Society in the amount of $68,000 from the 3rd Annual COMDA Conquers Cancer Golf Tournament.
Throughout the year, the COMDA Charity and Social Committees conduct a variety of events to support several deserving charities, including the Cancer Society, the Breakfast Club and annual drives for local food banks and toys for needy children. Among the fun activities were Shaving the Head of our VP Finance, and a Halloween Balloon Burst. Total donations for the year ran to $71,158 and more exciting plans are afoot for 2018.
The largest single event of the year was our third annual COMDA Conquering Cancer golf tournament at RedCrest Golf Club. The weather committee did its job in providing a perfect day on September 12 for the sold-out crowd of participants to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Although no one walked off with the $50,000 Hole-in-One, the 128 corporate golfers enjoyed golf, cart, welcome bag full of sponsored goodies, lunch and drinks on the course, Happy Hour, dinner with wine, over $7,000 in raffle prizes plus a gala auction of major gifts, including a week on the beach in Florida at a 3-bedroom condo. I don’t know how we can top this next year – but we will try!!
Thanks to our Partners, Sponsors, Donors and Participants all expenses for the event were covered, allowing us to make a final donation of $68,000! This brings our three-year total to well over $190,000 – recognized by the Cancer Society as the largest fundraiser in Ontario.