Art Approval Process
Before you settle on the final version of your logo, you'll receive a virtual proof. We'll make sure the design is to your liking before we go ahead with your order!
Logo Makeovers
Does your logo need a refresh? Send it our way. Our designers are happy to help you tweak your original brand, giving you a fresh new look while preserving your brand’s identity! Speak to one of our design representatives today to learn how you can update your original logo for free!
Product Design and Logo Placement
Not sure where to put your new logo? Need help figuring out how to use promo products to showcase your company? Want a multi-logo product? Our designers will help figure out the best placement for your logo to really help your brand shine! Make your logo stand out by selecting the best spot on apparel, pens, water bottles and more! We know just where to put it to ensure that your logo looks great every time.