With government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommending masks to all citizens as a protective measure against the spread of disease, it is increasingly important to determine which mask is best suited for a given purpose. But with so many mask options to choose from, deciding which is right for you can be difficult. Are you among the many retailers in North America slowly reopening your doors? If so, then perhaps you are also considering distributing masks to your customers and employees! But have you figured out which is best? In this short blog, we run through three of the most commonly known and used masks on the market and discuss which option is best for your circumstance.
N95 Masks
In the pandemics infancy, N95 masks were the most highly sought after facial covering. Technically respirators, N95 masks are able to filter out 95% of environmental particles (at least 0.3 microns in diameter) using static electricity. Officially, these masks are highly regulated, as all N95 masks are tested and approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). More importantly, each and every N95 mask must be tested and fit to the individual wearer to ensure that the mask seals to the facial skin and prevents contamination.
Due to the highly regulated nature of the N95 mask, these masks are very effective, but are of primary import to health care workers. The CDC has confirmed that the N95 is not recommended for use by the general public and is instead suggesting that these masks be left for frontline healthcare staff. Regulatory agencies have also warned against the risks associated with fraudulent N95 masks that do not offer sufficient protection against COVID-19.
Surgical Masks
The second most common mask, and the type most commonly worn in medical facilities is the surgical mask. These masks are fluid resistant, offering protection against large liquid droplets. Unlike the N95, these masks do not require custom fitting, and are slightly more comfortable for more frequent, regular wear. However, because these masks do not offer protection against aerosols, they should not be used in situations where direct contact with COVID patients occur and particles can become aerosolized. Again, these masks are best suited to those in the medical community or those entering medical facilities as they assist with the prevention of the spread of disease when the wearer coughs or sneezes. This mask should be properly disposed off after being worn, as they are single-use only. For this reason, it is recommended that these masks be left primarily to medical professionals or those in medical facilities.
Cloth Masks
The final mask recommendation are cloth masks. The CDC has recommended that cloth masks be worn regularly by the general public to slow the spread of contagion and mitigate the spread of the disease. Coupled with other practices such as social distancing, minimizing unnecessary travel, and maintaining a distance of approximately six feet, cloth masks are said to offer sufficient protection for the average user. Many online retailers are now offering cloth masks as they have become recognized as necessary apparel for the foreseeable future. While there are many great tutorials online for making your own cloth mask, we suggest our 4-Ply Sublimated Polyester Facemask (CM1084). Made with an outer polyester shell and 3 layers of cotton, this mask is fitted with comfortable elastic ear-loops designed for lengthy wear. It is important to note that while these masks are not surgical grade, they are sufficient for daily reuse, are washable, and breathable. Plus, as an added benefit for those who are looking to distribute masks to employees or customers, these masks can be customized with your name and logo via full color imprint. In an age where masks have become as popular as t-shirts, a custom mask may just be the way to go!