Work from Home Wear


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Work from Home Wear

Posted on January 15, 2021 Posted in Promotional Products Purchasing Series

Keeping Employees Comfortable and Motivated in the New Year!
Work from Home Wear

Kick off the New Year with a fresh approach to enhancing team motivation and engagement. As we embrace the evolving landscape of remote work, savvy business leaders recognize the pivotal role that comfortable and stylish work-from-home apparel plays in boosting team morale and reinforcing company culture. Elevate your brand's visibility and foster a positive work environment by incorporating personalized, branded clothing into your team's daily routine. Discover how customized swag, beyond being merely fashionable, can become a powerful emotional and motivational tool, ensuring your employees feel valued and connected, ready to tackle the challenges ahead with enthusiasm and a sense of belonging. Join us in setting the trend for a productive and motivated remote workforce in the New Year.

Athleisure and Loungewear was immensely popular last year and demand for it shows no signs of slowing down in 2021. Apparel from this category combines the visual appeal of luxury materials and fabrics with the comfort of sportswear. Adding your logo to comfortable clothing can do wonders for you, as it will help recipients associate your brand with positive emotions. The physical impact of being comfortable allows employees to feel less physical pressure, allowing them to be more optimistic and productive. Furthermore, the mental impact of feeling happy in clothing is supported by the concept of “enclothed cognition” which suggests that clothing has a direct effect in the way people feel, think and function (Adam and Galinsky, 2012). In other words, clothing has the power to affect our mood and actions. For example activewear may increase the likelihood of a person doing exercise, and lead them to make better health choices as a result. When you add your logo to a hoodie, premium shirt or sweatpants recipients will not only see your logo, they will feel it too!

For those who prefer a more formal but still comfortable and attractive product to personalize with their logo we have a number of suitable options. Fleece and Soft Shell jackets are a great alternative to hoodies which still offer ample imprint areas, and a unique opportunity to make a one of a kind gift. As a bonus, outerwear may also be worn as employees step out to the grocery store, go for a walk or to work out which increases the possibility of your logo being seen. Vests are a popular option for the cooler months, while polos can earn you some valuable impressions when the warmer weather rolls around!

Man wearing a burgundy promotional jacket

Through personalized swag, you can let team members know they are appreciated, and valuable to your organization in the New Year. Treating them to personalized work from home gear is a great way to say thank you for their efforts. We have a number of apparel options that feature a unique blend of fabrics that are comfortable for employees, and ideal for printing your logo. The idea here is to send an appreciation gift that they can use and keep for a long time!

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