Make a Great Impression


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Make a Great Impression

Posted on May 25, 2018 Posted in Marketing Strategies Promotional Products Tradeshows

Promotional products and branded giveaways are a staple at trade shows and similar events.
Make a Great Impression

There are many public events such as trade shows, conferences, and open houses where you have an opportunity to greet potential new customers.  In most cases, you will only have a brief instant to make a lasting impression. Obviously, how you look and act and what you say are all very important. So too is what you leave with this new acquaintance so they will remember you the next day and later.

Promotional products and branded giveaways are a staple at trade shows and similar events. Selecting the right product with the best message goes a long way to making sure that your investment is worthwhile.

Try to ensure that the promotional gift you choose is something that is relevant to your brand and useful to the consumer. That is the best combination to ensure that they are kept for long periods of time. Some of the most popular promotional products for public events include:

One of the most enduring and popular promotional items.  Try to find anyone who won’t gladly accept you branded pen. Pens are kept for a long period of time and even have a transfer value since recipients might give them to others.

Tote bags are welcomed to carry all that stuff people pick up at a trade show. If you see someone walking around with lots of stuff or even another bag full – offer to place it all in your tote for them.  Imagine the impact of seeing hundreds of people going about their business carrying bags displaying your brand and message! Reusable bags are kept much more often now than in the past for their environmental benefits.

Another really popular item is a branded cap or tee shirt. Best of all, it will be kept and worn for a long time serving as a constant reminder of your business.

Travel mugs and insulated drinkware are kept for long periods of time and get a lot of use. The trade show crowd do a lot of walking and are grateful for a refreshing drink of hot coffee or cool beverage

Even though some might only be used during the trade show, handy ones with extra pockets will often be kept and reused at other events.

These come in handy both during the trade show and after. They will be taken back to the home or office for use for months to come.


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