We’re well into the fall, and that means that calendar buying season is upon us! Every year, thousands of businesses use calendars to promote their companies and charities use them to highlight their special causes. But have you ever wondered what goes into making the stock calendars we pride ourselves in?
Calendar design and implementation is a year-long process. As such, while you might be currently prepping for your next promotion, and selecting next year’s calendar, we will soon begin designing our 2022 calendar material! We start by getting input from you, our loyal customers. This is why customer feedback is very important. We like knowing what titles appeal and what kinds of art our customers want to see. Our design team reviews this feedback then develops a plan for the next year of calendars!
Once we’ve developed a plan, our team of photo researchers is set to work scouring photographers and artists to find the best images for each calendar. The research team looks at hundreds, sometimes thousands, of images while making the selection, ensuring that each calendar is not only beautiful, but tells a cohesive story from start to finish. Once the top candidates have been selected for presentation, our in-house art specialists have the important task of choosing the 12 best images for each calendar. With over 60 distinct titles in our current roster, you can appreciate that this is still a lot of images to process, but our care and dedication to the production process comes through in each calendar we produce.
While all of our calendars include the dates, holidays and moon phases other titles feature: interesting information, helpful tips, and inspirational quotes. Our design team not only decides which text is appropriate for a calendar, they are also tasked with finding the graphics and fonts that fit best. It’s at this stage that several rounds of drafts are created, going through a rigorous review process to ensure they are as accurate as they can be before they are finalized.
Once approved, we begin the printing process. Printing itself takes the majority of the year, and as we keep millions of stock titles ready to go, we need to print them well in advance. Once the printing begins, we move to the following year and begin researching from scratch!
Every so often you’ll see our stock calendar titles and artwork shift as we appeal to new customer interests. We value your feedback so don’t hesitate to tell us what you love (or don’t love) about our calendars! And remember, if a stock calendar isn’t your thing, we also have fully customizable calendars ready for your brand! You provide your 13 favorite images and we’ll get them professionally printed, just in time for your next promotion!