When looking for cost effective marketing and branding options, make sure to consider pens. Promotional writing instruments, customized with your logo, do more than just write! Pens have the capability to boost your brand awareness as they are used frequently by many businesses and are often kept for a long time, making them a viable advertising vehicle for any company or event. The great thing about pens is that they are versatile, practical and come in a wide range of prices allowing you to choose the best one to target your audience. Today we will be looking at budget friendly options that can be used to help you achieve your promotional objective without spending too much.
Plastic pens are a staple of the promotional industry and work great for mass giveaways and freebies. Our favorites from this category include the classic Charger as well as its Soft Stylus version. Our all-time best selling promotional ballpoint pen, the Charger offers durability, an ample imprint area, and delivers silky smooth writing, making it a top choice for businesses of all sizes. Other alternatives include our Neon Pen whose sleek design and matte finish make it a great option for individuals and organizations that find beauty in simplicity.
Metal Pens are suitable for any occasion where making a good impression is necessary, this includes: anniversaries, company milestones, personal achievements and more! If you are looking for an elegant, budget friendly product to personalize, we suggest the Concorde which features a slim metal barrel with subtle gold tone accents and comes packaged in a velvet sleeve. Alternatively the Excalibur and LaCrosse offer superior comfort which makes for a better writing experience without compromising looks. Metal pens have high perceived value, are laser engraved and offer a more sophisticated presentation of your logo which is ideal for corporate events and formal settings.
When we said pens do more than just write, we weren’t kidding! We have a number of multi-purpose pens that combine the utility of two or more products into one, giving your brand additional opportunities to receive exposure. The Matrix Pen is also a mobile phone stand and includes a pad for cleaning phone faces when not in use. The Eclipse Pen comes with an LED Light, ideal for keeping a pocket flashlight always handy, while the Cougar Pen makes it easy to switch between writing and highlighting. These unique characteristics increase the likelihood of your product being used and your logo being seen.
Lastly we have a number of environmentally friendly pens in the event you are looking for more sustainable options . These can be used by organizations to further advance the scope of a message to pursue eco-friendly initiatives and strategically target a demographic, or to showcase your brand as eco-conscious. Our favorites from this category include the Fusion, Prius and Oasis which can be used to help you establish a positive image amongst your customers and the public.
As you can see grabbing the attention of your audience is easy and cost effective when you choose branded pens. From plastic all the way to high quality metal, depending on the objective of your promotional campaign writing instruments can help you get there. Take a look at our full selection of pens online and let us know if you have any questions. Our promo experts will be more than happy to help you find the write stuff for your next promotion!